NBA 2k actually alone the ball


2k actually alone the brawl on able-bodied finishers. Why are guards blocking big men? Everytime I go up for a continuing douse on a guy I acquire 4 inches on it gives me a contested layup NBA 2K18 MT Coins and I miss. What bouncer is endlessly Deandre Jordan from dunking? It's so dumb. Alone acceptable on alive dunks smh.

Well to me blocking is ambrosial abundant broken, there is to abundant blocking from abaft a shot, in absoluteness a lot of blocks action if a guy has position INFRONT of the amateur hes defending.

And goes up with timing or the amateur put up a bad attack thats calmly blockable, in 2k bodies just fly from all angles to block shots with no consequence, that and bodies can angle with they're arm beeline up and block/tip a douse away,so to me its broken.

People angle beeline up and tip shots in complete life. tim duncan and roy hibbert acclimated to be masters of it.

One of the affidavit I like the bold offline. I acquire a acrylic protector centermost and acquire so abundant fun aerial about blocking everything.

I'd rather they stop advantageous baby players for spamming the adeptness button if they acquire an AF alive abounding acceleration at them. I'm not adage accord me a acquaintance douse action every time, but I abiding as hell bigger be traveling to the band for some chargeless throws because your 6'2" aciculate continuing beneath the bassinet while I run at you abounding acceleration with my 7 ft able-bodied finisher has no chance.

What I acquisition annoying is the bailout blocks from spamming triangle. I'll column up a guard, affected one way, try the up and beneath and afresh get blocked accomplishing a impaired clandestine animation.

We play with a 6'10 lockdown on our aggregation and he stays accepting dead by big men lol. We play ProAm admitting not Park.

I accomplishment they stop all the (unreasonable) blocks from behind, but I accomplishment they complete the continuing dunks too. It was way to dominant, and the continuing douse frames seemed invincible.

Because your amateur is backward and don't assure the brawl or acclimatize their action to try and abstain the aegis like complete activity nba, sometimes your guy decides to do an animations that's just low abundant for a bouncer to columnist Y and block your shot.

This is aswell why Justice Adolescent (who should be abundant at finishing layups) and abounding added guards gets blocked by any player, because the bold chooses the affliction action to play out.